By the 20th century, many considered women to have finally reached the same point that men have always seemed to be at. This can't be a bad thing, finally all that feminism has gotten us exactly what we wanted, equality, rights, freedom. Susan Faludi talks about how all this freedom and equality has brought about miserable women in her article, Blame it on Feminism. The more independent women become, the more unhappy they become. The reason for this unhappiness is loneliness, loneliness caused by the independence women had finally achieved. "It must be all the equality that's causing all that pain. Women are unhappy precisely because they are free. Women are enslaved by their own liberation." Women have achieved such high statuses, they have gotten all that they could have wanted professionally, but they miss getting married, having children, "the greatest female adventure", as Faludi describes it. Even if women were suppressed, their greatest pleasures came from men, and without men they were alone, childless, husband-less, even if they had a wonderful career to support them. With feminism women were so caught up in being equal to men, equal but separate, free, independent of men. And that is exactly what happened, it goes to show that women are defined by men, by the society, showing that they are not completely liberated yet. "Women have a way to go before they enter the promised land of equality." Before they get there, they need to find their own identity.
Feminist: a woman who has in her the capacity of fighting her way back to independence.
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